Enlightened Negotiation with Dr. Mehrad Nazari & The Heart of Meditation with Michele Hebert

Register: https://reservations.rancholapuerta.com/

Mehrad Nazari and Michele Hébert

Rancho La Puerta, Tecate, Mexico

April 24 – May 1, 2021

Join Dr. Mehrad Nazari as he presents at the world-renowned Rancho La Puerta. Navigate your interactions better through Enlightened Negotiation. Michele will be presenting The Heart of Meditation, facilitating a deep dive within the self

Healing Yoga and Enlightened Negotiation

Register: https://reservations.rancholapuerta.com/

Mehrad Nazari & Michele Hébert

Rancho La Puerta, Tecate, Mexico

October 10 – 17, 2020

Join Michele and Mehrad as they present at the world-renowned Rancho La Puerta. Access your great healing intelligence with Michele through gentle Healing Yoga. Dr. Nazari promotes the integration of materiality and spirituality in our daily interactions and negotiations to foster a more sustainable and life-enhancing global society for the betterment of humanity.