Michele Hebert, E-RYT-500 is a master Raja Yoga and meditation teacher, natural nutritionist, and internationally recognized leader in mind-body-spirit integration. She pioneered the teaching of yoga and meditation for health benefits in the varied fields of medicine, fitness, education, the spa industry, and the corporate wellness arena.
Michele has been teaching yoga, meditation, and breathwork for over forty years. Her work emphasizes the inner practices of Raja Yoga, including a focus on meditation as a spiritual pathway to develop optimal health and full human potential.
Michele was personally trained by Raja Yoga Master Walt Baptiste, who bestowed upon her the sacred title Raja Yoga Guide. She has also been initiated into the Himalayan Tradition by Swami Veda Bharati and into the Tibetan Yoga by H.H. The Dalai Lama.
Michele developed intro to meditation at UCSD. Furthermore, she also served as an adjunct professor at the United States International University.
Michele teaches meditation practices for health benefits, including healing methods to enhance the immune system. She works individually with people who have health challenges and life-threatening illnesses. She regularly teaches at Rancho La Puerta Fitness Resort & Spa, and leads spiritual retreats internationally.
Michele was the media spokesperson for The American Council on Exercise (ACE) in the area of mind-body integration, and she is a frequent author and contributor to professional journals and health magazines, providing expert advice in the areas of consciousness, fitness, healing, yoga, and the spa industry.
in a change as simple as waking up feeling healthier,
happier, more vital, and more inspired to meet the day.”